terça-feira, agosto 30, 2005


E se tudo deixasse de fazer sentido...
E se quem a gente conhece se perdesse para sempre...
Seria esse o momento de reflectir sobre o que é importante na vida.
As pessoas passam por nós... e nós por elas... e o que fica sabe a nostalgia...

a vida percorre o nosso corpo como se fosse a última vez que o sangue pulsasse nas nossas veias..

ainda outro dia dizia _ _ _:
tenho saudades das vossas batatas fritas; pareceu-me que a ouvi chorar; tenho saudades das nossas saídas à noite e das idas à praia; tenho saudades de falar contigo à noite antes de me deitar; tenho saudades do teu olhar; tenho saudades da lareira; tenho saudades do cheiro das tuas escadas de madeira; tenho saudades das correrias...

Se for a ver, a saudade alimenta a alma e o que fica, num flash as recordamos... por aquilo que não significou nada... mas no entanto é mais que tudo o resto.


At 9:11 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said...

I´m sure that, lots of people remember you too.
Actually, i belive they really miss you! But the thing is, you push them away sometimes.
I don´t actually know why, or if you even know that you do it...but no matter what, that´s what you do.
People, you know, have fellings! They love, hate, stay jealous or mad, just like you do.

I wonder when you turn of the light of your bedside lamp at night, before you fall asleep, what do you think? what do you feel? What and who do you miss? Do you think about "them"? Do you wonder if they think about you?

I´m sure you do. I know they do.

Everyone make mistakes, even you! So don´t be so complaining.

Feelings...all kind of good feelings, like friendship and love, aren´t proud or perfect, they don´t even are very altruist most of the times. However, true feelings, are never lost, and they´re always reversible, and possible to born or re-born again!
So, YES, look back, don´t be proud or ashamed of what you do, or who you are. You just need a little bit more of good sense! Oh, of course, don´t try to be perfect, just be yourself! :)

Think about it, for your own good, even unknowing who´s writting this to you.

At 10:27 da manhã, Blogger rena said...

this caught me by surprise...
I care and review myself in your advices to make me a better human being...

I long those words sometimes...

I read back and forth every single significate that you inprint in your speech... and I was surprised about the amount of interpretation and meaningfull things...

you must know me with a special sense, and that's, turns to be reconforting...even not knowing who it is

even though
you know that when we lost something, somebody, friends, love, friendship, touch, sight.. we get emotionaly wrecked, sad and sometimes lost.
it's when we need... that our life seems to hang out by some thin strapps hold on to what we still got...

sometimes we think we know.... sometimes we do things wrong...
other times it's too much...
but if we not open our heart... we can't get anyone to open it theirs for you also...

you know I do. I was wandering: do they ?

I'm thinking about it... I'm not indifferent.... I care...complaining sometimes it's an alternative to Excuse why we don't have them near you.

like to hear from you again....


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